Bearing Tolerance Symbols Definitions
d/ds | Nominal bore diameter/Single bore diameter |
dmp | Mean bore diameter; arithmetical mean of the largest & smallest single bore diameters measured in one radial plane |
∆dmp | dmp-d; Deviation of mean bore diameter from the nominal dimension |
∆ds | ds-d; deviation of single bore diameter from the nominal dimension |
Vdp | Bore diameter variation; difference between the largest & smallest single bore diameters in one radial plane |
Vdmp | dmp max-dmp min; Mean bore diameter variation; difference between the largest & smallest mean bore diameters |
D/DS | Nominal outside diameter/Single outside diameter |
Dmp | Mean outside diameter; arithmetical mean of the largest & smallest single outside diameters in one radial plane |
∆dmp | Dmp-D; Deviation of mean outside diameter from nominal dimension |
∆Ds | Ds-D; Deviation of mean outside diameter from nominal dimension |
Vdp | Outside diameter variation; difference between the largest & smallest single outside diameter in one radial plane |
VDmp | Dmp max-Dmp min; Mean outside diameter variation; difference between the largest & smallest mean outside diameters |
Bs/Cs | Single inner ring/outer ring width |
∆Bs | Bs-B; Deviation of a single inner ring width from nominal dimension |
∆Cs | Cs-C; Deviation of a single outer ring width from nominal dimension |
VBs | Bs max-Bs-min; Variation of inner ring widths; difference between the largest & smallest single inner ring width |
VCs | Cs max-Cs min; Variation of outer ring widths; difference between the largest & smallest single outer ring width |
B,C,T | Nominal bearing width/height |
Ts | Actual bearing width/height |
∆Ts | Deviation of the actual bearing width/height |
Kia | Radial runout of assembled bearing inner ring |
Kea | Radial runout of assembled bearing outer ring |
Sd | Side face runout of inner ring with reference to bore |
SD | Variation in inclination of outside cylindrical surface to outer ring side face |
Sia | Axial runout; assembled bearing inner ring face runout with raceway |
r | Norminal chamfer dimension |
rs | Radial/axial single chamfer dimension |
rs min | Smallest radial/axial single chamfer dimension |
rs max | Largest radial/axial single chamfer dimension |